Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Self Start Winners!!

Now any person on this page has seen the above picture. I know it had sparked a passion inside of those who've seen it because we relate, we agree, and we want that.

That picture alone had me really think of ways that I could work for myself. Ultimately I'm kind of tired of working for companies /mlm's/ that still benefit from my hard work like a normal job. I'm not sure if you realized this but unless any of us own said company we are still at the "bottom" of the pyramid. So after a few years of trying to find my inner entrepreneur I feel I found something that truly gives free range and leaves me something to still be excited about and still pursue being financially free. 


Okay! So I found a company that is looking for people willing to place ads(banners) in their webpages. Basically it enables you to place links and banners on your Web site or in your newsletter to earn commissions for advertiser programs that you have been accepted into.

For example: You can get 
Unlimited: Email addresses, email forwarding, unlimited domains & subdomains,  web based emails, emails and so much more for one penny your first month and $5 there after. Sounds good? Use code 1cent to redeem Click HERE 

That link is my personal identifier
 to track a potential of $200 USD in 3 mo. or $15 in 7 days.
 And the banner↓ does the same!. 

Now depending if that single ad among 14,000+ was the only one I published...that's not such an impressive pay out huh? What if I ran ads for that same company but it had different prices because of the banner? That's a bit better because that one advertiser has 100 banners ranging from payouts of $6-$200. So by conclusion that's $600-$20,000...

Now imagine if I published 1,000 ads from brand names like ABC mouse, Billabong, or different industries like supplements, clothing, electronics, makeup, any services..and let's put each at a flat payout rate of $200 if their quota in sales was met...that would be.... $200,000 in the matter of three months. Mind you they do pay out monthly. 

Still not confident about financial freedom? Its okay stay where you're at. Promote whatever gets you a quick $80 - $1500 in a month...I know I got tired of it. I'm thirty years old and I'm not nearly where I need to be in life. I don't have time for my own insecurity and self doubt. I can afford to take risk because at this point. What do we have to lose? 

Did I mention its FREE to join? 

Now are you interested? 

Come Join Me. 


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